The Ark of Mindfulness

A warm welcome

Ark of Mindfulness

The Ark of Mindfulness is a mindfulness training and mentoring practice based in South London (SW2) – and also operating online – run by me, Dominique Girardini (PGDip in Counselling, MSc in Mindfulness-based Approaches).  I am an experienced and qualified mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist, offering mindfulness programmes both one-to-one and in small groups allowing for plenty of individual attention.

Safe, warm and wise guidance and companionship on your mindfulness journey  

I take great care to create a safe and supportive learning space, where your learning process will unfold safely, grow and flourish. I choose to work with small groups (max of 10 participants) so that I am able to attend to each participant’s learning needs, pace of development, learning challenges and achievements. I see my role as supporting, facilitating, guiding and holding – safely and warmly – your learning process.

From my long experience as a psychotherapist, I bring to my mindfulness teaching, psychological expertise, qualities of sensitivity and care, comprehensive understanding of the many facets of human distress, and experience of working towards the realisation of individual potential. I have experienced in my own life the transformative and life-enhancing power of mindfulness practice and I am passionate about sharing this with others.

In the Mindfulness Courses pages, you will find information on:

Mindfulness for Life 8-week courses

Next courses starting January 2022 (on-line) and February 2022 (in person)

A foundation course recently developed by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre, which builds on the well-established MBSR and MBCT programmes, adding to the teachings on the management of distress and reactivity, practices to savour the good things in our lives and develop compassion for ourselves and others in the presence of pain. The course offers mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioural techniques that can be used in everyday life and is intended for anyone who wants a structured, practical way to learn mindfulness.

Held both face to face in Streatham Hill, South London, and online.

Mindfulness: Taking it further

A 12-session programme, also developed by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre, which aims to consolidate and deepen the learnings of the 8-week course and support your ongoing mindfulness practice.

Held both face-to-face and online.



Mindfulness for Life

Face to Face

Face to face

On Friday Afternoons

11 Feb - 1 Apr 2022

Times: 14:30 - 16:30

Together with a whole day of practice

Date: Sunday 20 Mar. 2022

Times: 10:30 - 16:00

Course held in a quiet and comfortable environment in Streatham Hill.


On Saturday Mornings

15 Jan - 5 Mar 2022

Times: 10:30 - 12:30

Together with a whole day of practice

Date: Sunday 20 Feb. 2022

Times: 10:30 - 16:30

Course held using the Zoom platform


Mindfulness: Taking it Further

Face to Face


Please contact me if you are interested in taking this course.

Please contact me if you are interested in taking this course.

Free Online Guided Practice Sessions

every Tuesday 9 - 9.30 am

Contact me for more details