Mindfulness: Taking it Further

The Ark of Mindfulness

Course Information

This course, recently developed by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre is intended for anyone who has completed an 8-week mindfulness course (MBSR, MBCT, Mindfulness for Life, etc.) and provides participants with support and guidance for sustaining and deepening their mindfulness practice.

Its aims are:

  • reinforce, deepen and extend the learnings from the 8-week course

  • support participants in applying all that is learned in their lives, in ways that are consonant with their values

  • provide a shared community of practice

  • develop participants’ capacity and confidence to deepen and extend learning independently

The course consists of twelve themes, each one explored over a 2-hour fortnightly session, and needs to be taken as a whole. We will re-visit well-known core mindfulness practices and you will be introduced to new “resourcing” practices. The course is intended to help participants overcome blocks to continuing practice and reinforce the learnings from mindfulness practice that support mental health and well-being. The place of informal, everyday practice is emphasised. 

Examples of themes covered are:

  • attention, responding not reacting

  • appreciating the life you have

  • how best can I take care of myself and others?

  • cool head, warm heart: the art of balance and equanimity

  • being the change you’d like to see in the world.

Participants are encouraged to maintain a daily practice of their own choice throughout the course.

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Dates face to face

No course is scheduled at present but please get in touch if you are interested.



£300 for 12 x 2 hour session, which works out at £25 per session.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the course or check if it meets your needs, please contact me on 0794 127 2402 or on arkofmindfulness@gmail.com.

To book please download the application form, complete it and send it to me by email to arkofmindfulness@gmail.com. Do let me know if you are experiencing difficulties downloading the application form, and I will send it to you in another format.

taking it further booking form

Download the Booking Form

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