Mindfulness for Life Foundation Course

The Ark of Mindfulness

Course information

Mindfulness is a way of being that can be cultivated, the attitudinal qualities that sustain it (kindness, acceptance, non-judging, compassion, to name a few) can be fostered and the attention required to support present moment awareness can be trained. Mindfulness provides us with a way of knowing, training and shaping the mind. The 8-week programme is designed to allow for the time and practice for new neural pathways to be established and new attitudes to be embedded. The course needs to be taken as a whole as each session is a building block for the next.

The Mindfulness for Life programme is a course recently developed at the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre, which builds on the well-established MBSR and MBCT programmes.  The course combines mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioural approaches and provides participants with skills and insights for navigating their way out of suffering and experiencing a richer more joyful way of living

Participants develop understanding and insight into how human distress is created and maintained and learn new ways of relating to their experience – such as bringing a befriending stance to it and replacing unhelpful reactivity with skilfull responsiveness – that disempower long-established patterns responsible for maintaining and exacerbating distress.

Through practices developing appreciation for the good things in their lives and cultivating compassion for themselves and others in the face of pain, participants experience greater ease of being, an enhanced sense of connection and more joy.

Care is taken to help participants embed their learnings into their everyday life, both to work with distress and difficulties and to savour the positive dimensions of life, realise their potential and flourish.

The course involves intensive training in mindfulness meditation skills, psychological explorations using cognitive-behavioural techniques, some didactic teaching, and group dialogue where participants explore their experience of the practice to support each other’s learning. 

The course is taught in a small group (maximum of 10 participants) and consists of 8 weekly two-hour sessions and one whole day towards the end of the course spent mostly in silent guided practice. Both in-person and on-line courses are available.

The course offers an in-depth programme with a clear intention of cultivating lasting and sustainable change. Commitment to regular home practice is essential for getting the most out of the course, so that the skills acquired become second nature, and participants are asked to complete approximately 45 mins of home practice daily throughout the 8 weeks. Participants receive a workbook and access to audio-recordings of practice guidance

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who wants a structured, practical way to learn mindfulness with the support and guidance of a teacher and a group of co-learners.

  • Anyone who wishes to enhance their quality of life, who wants support to realise their potential more fully and flourish.

  • Anyone needing skills to support them with physical or psychological health difficulties, or with challenging life situations.

Mindfulness testimonial

 Dates for 2022


On-line course

On Saturday mornings

Dates: 15 Jan - 05 Mar 2022

Times: 10:30 - 12:30

Together with a whole day of practice

Date: Sunday 20 Feb 2022

Times: 10:30 - 16:00

This course will be held on-line on the Zoom platform.

In-person course

On Friday afternoons

Dates: 11 Feb - 1 Apr 2022

Times: 14:30 - 16:30

Together with a whole day of practice

Date: Saturday 20 Mar 2022

Times: 10:30 - 16:00

This course will be held face to face in a quiet and comfortable environment in Streatham Hill


Costs and Booking

£285, inclusive of all tuition, a workbook and access to audio recordings. Please pay by bank transfer once your place is confirmed.

To Book:

Please download the application form, complete it and send it to me by email to arkofmindfulness@gmail.com. Do let me know if you are experiencing difficulties downloading the application form, and I will send it to you in another format. If you have any questions, please contact me using one of the methods below. 

Email: arkofmindfulness@gmail.com

Mobile: +44 (0)794 127 2402

booking form

Download the Booking Form



I also run courses for individuals or small groups on request.

Please contact me for further information. The usual format for individual training consists of 8 x 1.1/4 hour sessions at a cost of £385.

Please contact me for more details.